Thursday, November 14, 2013

Fun House by The Stooges

Punk rock band, The Stooges released their sophomore album, Fun House, on July 7, 1970. Although the record was commercially unsuccessful upon release, Iggy Pop and his band have received critical acclaim over the years and the record has been said by many to be “a punk rock masterpiece”.
Track 1: Down on the Street- This tune is drenched in Pop’s blues influence. It has loud guitars during the chorus, yelling and pounding drums.
            Track 2: Loose- The rawest song on the record, “Loose” is reminiscent of Mudhoney’s “I Like it Small”. The brilliant guitar solo during the bridge segues right back into the final chorus.
            Track 3: T.V. Eye- The track begins with a few screams by Pop before the first verse starts. The chorus consists of Pop singing “She got a T.V. eye on me”. The main riff is very memorable and the track is very anthem-like.
            Track 4: Dirt- This lengthy—almost seven minutes long— jam sounds almost like an improvisational track by the band. Pop’s fiery vocals move the song along the bluesy, bass ridden riff.
            Track 5: 1970- After the bluesy “Dirt”, “1970” starts off the B-side with more the signature “punk rock sound” that Pop helped to create. The riff is fast and distorted. The saxophone solo during the bridges drives the song to a entirely different dimension.
            Track 6: Fun House- The title track of the record is the longest song on the record and begins with the saxophone from the previous track, “1970”. “Hold me tight/Calling from the fun house,” Pop screams with his fiery vocals. The saxophone is played throughout the entire track, proving that punk rock is more than just loud guitars and distortion.
            Track 7: L.A. Blues- The finale of Fun House has all of the intensity and rawness of the rest of the songs on the record, but “L.A. Blues” brings it up a level. The track begins with headache inducing (in a good way) guitar feedback and a brilliant drum solo. The song has no vocals, just a constant “growl” by Pop. The instrumental track is a great finale for Fun House.

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